Monday, December 17, 2007

The Dentist

Last week I had my first visit to the dentist in about 10 years (yes, I know that's bad... I know that there is a strong relationship between dental hygiene and life expectancy). But I found myself sitting in the dentist's chair being quite tense. There were a few uncomfortable moments, but for the most part it was a painless experience... and I knew that it would be (my reason for not having been to the dentist in 10 years is much more to do with laziness than dread), but I still found myself tensing up, and having to consciously relax my shoulders and arms. I wonder what it is that made me (and probably most people) tense up? Maybe it's just the expectation that an uncomfortable moment could be upon you at any moment?

In any case, I have a follow up visit this week, I'll try to be less tense for the non-un-comfortable parts.


Wednesday, December 12, 2007


I will tell more about the wacky world of Toronto in a post that will be soon to follow this. I wish I had a good reason for this lull, but I'm not sure it is any one particular reason.

Thanks for the reminder, Gina.