Friday, October 8, 2010

Commuting and Happiness

I was talking with Joel yesterday on our trip on the 407 out to reherasal in Burlington, and I don't remember if we were talking about commuting and the topic of happiness came up, or if it was the other way around. Anyway, I did a bit surfing today on the combined topic and found this interesting blog post on the Commuter's Paradox. It made me wonder how a few other variable affected the equation:
  • Commuting alone or with a spouse or friend
  • In terms of the "weighting mistake" her refers to, this must get complicated when one pair of a couple work and commutes and the other stays at home (and works either raising a family or as a "work-from-home" job or consultancy). The weighting functions would be at odds (and yet likely very highly correlated)
  • Driving vs. public transit (given similar commute times)
I think I'll need to do more reading to find out how I should feel about my new (less new every day!) commute.