Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Women's Room"

I suppose it only makes sense. It is called the "Men's room", why wouldn't you call it the "Women's Room", but I'm not sure I've ever seen that anywhere other than my new office. I would have called it (without considering the appropriateness of any answer) called it the "Ladies' room". Upon examination, it does occur to me that we, collectively, no longer refer to that portion of the population as "Ladies" for the most part, unless you are talking about your grandmother's bridge club, or an auxiliary attachment to some long standing "Men's" organization (Lion's, Kiwanis, Loyal Order of Water Buffalo)

Strangely, I would have said "the Women's washroom"... just not "Women's Room". I suppose since we, collectively, have adopted the group noun "Women" in replacement for "Ladies", it makes sense to move to "Women's room" but I've just never seen it before. This new workplace is very progressive!

What are the washroom/bathroom/toiletrooms (a whole 'nother can of worms) where you are called?

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