Tuesday, May 8, 2007


I've been doing some investigation into different types of investments, and sometimes I wonder how anyone can come up with a firm decision on how to procede. There is so much information out there that that is contradictory, it is difficult to sift through it all and make a decision.

Is there any benefit to managed mutual funds? Is the market so efficient that you can't really expect to beat it, so you should just buy index funds to reduce the cost of investing? Can one time the market?

And then there is the added complication that it is not as simple as the investment that will provide the highest return, you must also consider the tax implications to identify which will actually end up being the best result.

To avoid option paralysis, ignorance would be bliss.


1 comment:

Karen Lew said...

True, very true. I've often thought the same thing about many choices: buying a house or a car, decorating and furniture selection, choosing a university. Usually it comes down to any choice is pretty much fine. The only bad choice is a failure to choose. We were pretty decisive about the condo but have never made any choices about decorating. Almost everything is second-hand.