Monday, April 21, 2008

Nashville Bound!

I was outted by Karen on her 'blog, so I guess I'd better post here... it's been a long time.

This past weekend my quartet,"Chameleon", qualified to represent Ontario District at the international convention in Nashville, TN this coming July. It's pretty exciting and will me more than a little nerve wracking. I've sung in front of 10,000 people before at these contests, but always with the safety net of a chorus behind me and 8 or 10 other guys singing the same notes that I am singing. This year will be different: I'll be the only person singing my part... and I'll be one of four on stage, not one of 40.

The experience of going to "internationals" will be different on a couple of other fronts too. First, my chorus (TNL) is not going this year (as we decided to take a year off and we are going to the British Association of Barbershoppers' annual convention, in the U.K.). It will be strange not competing in the chorus competition, and not having rehearsals all through the week... it will be strange, but nice! Besides the extra free time, it will be strange not having a whole bunch of guys (and their families) to hang out with all week. Another chorus from Ontario (the Capital City Chorus from Ottawa) will be going, and they are good friends of our quartet, but it's still not quite the same.

Anyway, I'm pretty excited about the opportunity to sing at internationals... should be fun.



Pamela said...

congrats! =)
very exciting...
wonder if there will be a lot of pics taken.. of YOU! ;)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, although I thought this blog was about toilets? Do you have any recommendations for low-flow flushers?

Kevin said...

If you had heard our singing, you might still think this blog was about toilets.

Sorry, no advice on the low-flow front!

Kevin said...

Pam, actually there will be no pictures at all... none... don't bother looking for them anywhere. They outlaw cameras at this type of event.

Kern said...



I think I'm going to have to pay for high-quality streaming access to the contest this year.

Congrats on being the first member of Terminal Barbershop to make it to "the show". :)

Kevin said...

Thanks Kern,

I'm also now (or will be soonish) the second member from Terminal Barbershop to be a dual member of APOC and APOCQC because of the "backdoor" by being an international qualifier. There are 6 dual members now... we could have a VLQ soon!

I realize that there are a lot of acronyms here... seems like we're talking in code. APOC = "Association of Past Ontario Champions", APOCQC = made up name "Association of Past Ontario College Quartet Champions" and VLQ = "Very Large Quartet"... for those that care.