Friday, July 27, 2007

My poor toe

In my ultimate game on Wednesday night, as I stepped out to get a flick out, my defender stomped (and I mean really stomped... well without any intention of doing so) on my right toe. It hurt quite a bit, and as when the point finally finished I went off and decided to have a look at it. It was ugly. Over half of the toenail is black, red and blue, so there is a chance that I'll lose the nail. I've only lost one nail before (also on my big toe, and also because of ultimate), but I really hope I don't. The worst part is when most of it is detached and a part of it is not.

I hope I keep the nail, I like it.


Monday, July 23, 2007

Bachelor Days are here again!

Susanna has now left for 10 days away with her parents in the maritimes (as I write this, she has not left yet, but I won't see her before she leaves), so I'm a bachelor for the next little while. I anticipate that my evenings will be filled with lots of bad eating habits, lots of scratching myself, very little cleaning the apartment, and lots staying up too late drinking!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Two degrees of separation

I was chatting with my chiropractor this morning as she was causing me great heaps of pain (trading off short term pain to avoid long term pain) and we discovered the multitude of ways that we could have known each other: her university roommate married a guy who was in my high school show the year that I did the show, her one of her best friends from her high school years was a friend of mine from high school, her good friend married the good friend of Kern (with whom I have sung and lived), and finally the way we actually hooked up, my good friend from university (and former boss) knows her from a camping group that he hikes with, and actually uses her as his chiropractor too.

That was far too long a sentence! I probably should have split it up. I just couldn't be bothered with the formatting. I'll make up for that long sentence with a bunch of short ones. Great idea!


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Vacation part II

Susanna and I have been looking into our next vacation this summer (I don't really count the barbershop convention as vacation), and it looks like it will be a cruise. Now I'm not really a cruise person, I think, but the extenuating circumstance is that we are going to be travelling with Susanna's family, and her parents sort of are cruise people. I prefer my vacations to be more along the lines of staying in a town or a city for a couple of days and exploring it and the surrounding region, and then move on to the next place when you're ready. Every day in a new city seems a bit rushed for me, but maybe I'll find that for many cities, one day is all you need, if you distill it down to it's most potent form: the guided tour! It will be my first cruise, so I'll let you know how it goes.

While I was looking up cruises, I was also examining the pricing, and I can't say that I understand the pricing structure. I guess it's like airfare in that the pricing varies based on number of suites remaining, number of days remaining before the cruise, etc. Pricing for services such as this are are distinctly non-durable (that is to say that as soon as the ship sails, the empty rooms are "spoiled" and can't be sold) is always very interesting. As the sail date approaches, the cruise line is incented to fill their manifest and sell the remaining tickets by reducing the price... but... they do not want to do that if it means moving a future full price customer to the present reduced price (they would want to do this if the future is expected to be fully booked regardless, but only in that case). Does anyone have any experience with trying to get the best price for this type of travel? Also, while I'm asking, does anyone know the pros and cons of buying your airfare to the port with the cruise line or separately? Is there a big price difference, and is the hassel worth it? And lastly, any advice on booking different types of rooms would be appreciated.



p.s. If I go on a cruise, does it mean I'm in my Carlsberg years?

Sunday, July 8, 2007

We're Back!

I'm tired, so I'm heading to bed now, but I've uploaded a bunch of pictures from our time in the rockies. As usual, the pictures don't really do it justice, but they serve as a reminder to us of what we did and saw!


Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Rocky Mountain High

We just finished checking into our hotel for the BHS international convention after coming back from three great days in Rocky Mountain National Park. We did one exhausting day of hiking through fields of snow, and scrambling up steep rocky slopes hopefully in pursuit of what will end up being great photos (although, my experience has been that the pictures that I take never do justice to the breathtaking scenery). I didn't bring a cable to get my picutes off the camera, but I'll post them when I get back. We spent another day doing mostly driving tour of the rest of the park making numerous stops along the way to take in the scenery. Our last day in the park was really just relaxing and packing to head back to Denver. I've gotta run to rehearsal, so that's all for now.