Friday, July 27, 2007

My poor toe

In my ultimate game on Wednesday night, as I stepped out to get a flick out, my defender stomped (and I mean really stomped... well without any intention of doing so) on my right toe. It hurt quite a bit, and as when the point finally finished I went off and decided to have a look at it. It was ugly. Over half of the toenail is black, red and blue, so there is a chance that I'll lose the nail. I've only lost one nail before (also on my big toe, and also because of ultimate), but I really hope I don't. The worst part is when most of it is detached and a part of it is not.

I hope I keep the nail, I like it.



Unknown said...

De-clawed, are you? Sounds awful, but please tell me it comes back.

Kevin said...

My last one grew back, I think a number of people I know have lost their toe nails several times (i.e. once every ultimate season almost)

Rob said...

mine have always come back thus far