Friday, February 15, 2008

Toilets (part 1: I'm a nerd)

Lately at work, when I find myself on the toilet I have been, to pass the time (no pun intended), picking random five digit numbers and factoring them in my head and then multiplying the factors back together to make sure I was right. Yes.... I'm a nerd. I find I just need something to occupy my mind, and at home I've usually got some sort of reading material... but at work it's a little more difficult to be discreet about it.

The first number I picked, I got lucky and it didn't have any factors higher than 17, so it really wasn't very difficult... the next one though had 1987 as a factor... that was much more work.

Am I alone in this past time? There are several other nerds out there who read this... am I the only one who indulges in this derivation of elementary (and in this case alimentary) components?



Karen Lew said...

I don't find prime factoring especially entertaining. Every once in a while I will be interested in a special case that someone has brought to my attention but I definitely don't spend time prime factoring for its own sake.

Kevin said...

It's not that it's intrinsically fun as much as it's just something to occupy my brain.

Jesse said...

You are a very strange puppy. I would say this post illustrates a hardcore nerd.

Karen Lew said...

Dion says, "No."

BTW, I'm sure he'd also want me to point out that "Past Time" is a quartet.

Kern said...


Personally, I'd be far more likely to sneak my iPod or cellphone into the toilet with me.