Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Toilets (part 2: due diligence)

Lately the toilet at my work place has not been in as clean a state as I would like. The issue is not really the cleanliness of the seat itself, or really any part of the apparatus that I find myself coming into contact with, rather, it is the results of an incomplete flush. To be sure, they are flushing (likely) once, but it is not completely clearing the bowl of their refuse. I am not complaining of the "streaks" on the porcelain that are difficult to clean short of a toilet brush... we have no toilet brush.

Whoever it is must not be taking responsibility for ensuring that the next user has no clues as to what the perpetrator had for lunch. Personally, when I flush, I take some amount of responsibility for the next person's experience: I will wait around to ensure that I get a complete flush... especially with a toilet like ours at work that does not have a tank to refill. You can flush over and over and over with no hold off period.

As a side note, I've also found that our urinals are often filled with yellow water... I don't think people are flushing properly there either (we don't have automatic flushers)



Rebecca said...

Yeah, I take responsibility in the same way. I've noticed the same kind of problems at my own work (when I was working). I think it's an effect of the new building with low water use toilets - you occasionally have to flush more times.


kristin said...

german toilets ALWAYS have a toilet brush next to them. in homes, in offices, in public restrooms. the brush is often necessitated by the dubious toilet shelf and the fact that i believe toilet flushes have always used less water here. you are expected to remove any traces of yourself before leaving. in one building i worked in there would occasionally be a printed sign kindly telling people to use the toilet brush. which i found weird.

do you think people don't take responsibility because they are uncomfortable with their own bodily functions or is it pure laziness or simply being unobservant?

Kevin said...

I think it's likely being unobservant. I can be quite lazy at times, but an extra flush doesn't seem all that difficult.

Gina said...

When Kendrick and I were in Manila they encouraged us to flush as few times as possible. You had to anyways, because after one flush you would have to wait about 10 minutes before you could do another flush.

"If it's yellow let it mellow. If it's brown flush it down."

Kern said...

I make sure to clean up the bowl, but not out of any sense of conscientiousness; I'm motivated by a desire to avoid embarassment.