Thursday, July 10, 2008

How to waste a day 20 minutes at a time

Warning: don't follow this link unless you have some time to waste: I don't remember how I ran across this site, but I know that I had seen it before without exploring the whole site. Basically, the site is a collection of talks and performances taken from a conference that brings together 'experts' from the worlds of "Technology, Entertainment, Design", although I think it covers more than just those categories.

I particularly like watching the talks that cover the areas where have an innate interest in the subject (admittedly, it's often anything to do with numbers or the environment), but I haven't really run across any that I didn't find fascinating.

Here are a couple of my favorites:
  • Benjamin Zander talks about music and passion.
  • Hans Rosling plays with world statistics in a really cool way
  • Erin McKean (a lexicographer) talks about the history and future of the dictionary


1 comment:

Kern said...

For those who are interested, there's also a free video podcast.

I don't visit the website anymore, but do watch the videos on my iPod on the train.