Sunday, April 15, 2007

Generation Gap

The generation gap I refer to is, in this case, a geographical one. Susanna and I have not had parents for the last 3 months (at least not on this continent), but that is all about to end. Susanna's parents get back this evening and my parents get back early this week... there goes our freedom. We'll be back to having curfews and having to do our homework before we go out to play. You know what they say: all good things must come to an end.

Seriously though, it will be nice to have our parents back, and will probably make our next couple weeks fairly busy catching up with them and hearing about their trips and seeing the pictures that go along with them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Whatever will they do to you when they find out you've been keeping a blog while they were gone? The licks for sure!!!!