Monday, June 18, 2007

Keeping up with the Joneses

I noticed that my two "sister-blogs" (you know the ones that look just like mine) both made very long posts over the weekend, so in the spirit of feelings of inadequacy, I'll endeavour to keep up with them... if not in interest, perhaps in length.

A large portion of this past weekend was spent on the fields of Sunnybrook Park playing in an ultimate tournament run by TUC (Toronto Ultimate Club). After two hot sunny days of playing, my body is perhaps a little worse for the wear. I know that I probably stretched more both before and after that games, but as I haven't really played a full tournament in a couple of years, I'm finding myself a little extra sore today (could be I'm also a couple years older). Also, up until the last game of the day on Sunday (which I had to cut out of before the end), I was doing so well with my regimen of reapplying the sunscreen between every game. Consequently, my arms have a tinge of red in them today.

The reason I had to cut out of the ultimate tourney before the end of the finals (other than that the game went longer than scheduled) was so that I could make it back to Susanna's parents' place to shower and shave a pretty myself up for a family portrait that we were doing for father's day. The photo shoot was a rigorous series of posing around the flowers and fountains at Susanna's father's golf club. Susanna even commented that I didn't even complain once about having my picture taken, but I think it was just because I was too busy complaining about how sore and sunburned I was from the ultimate tourney.

We went out for dinner after the photos, and I was just exhausted. I'm surprised I didn't just wake up with my face buried in a pile of BBQ'ed meat, but I did manager to make it home (although , since I don't drive, I must admit it had more to do with Susanna than with me) where I basically slept on the couch until Susanna was ready for bed and then dragged myself to bed where I passed out. I slept for about 9 hours which is a longer sleep than I have had in a long time. The nine hours were interrupted by many times trying to find a comfortable poistion for my aching shoulder, various sunburns and scrapes.

1 comment:

Kern said...

I almost woke up on Father's day in a plate of raw fish.

Local sushi place had draft beer for 100 yen a mug (a little less than a dollar) that weekend.