Tuesday, August 7, 2007

All day breakfast

I saw a sign yesterday day outside a local restaurant that said "All Day Breakfast (10AM - 4PM)". Is that breakfast really all day?


Karen Lew said...

In the strictest sense, of course it is not all-day breakfast. But if the restaurant is only open 10-4, then I have no objection to the sign.

Kevin said...

The restaurant is open longer than 10-4 (probably not earlier... but definately later). By the way, that was also the first thing that Susanna said (suggesting, as possibly you were, that Sunset Grill might have the a sign like that).

Karen Lew said...

okay, I object!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps, in the same way you might say "All black outfit" to describe an outfit that is only black, they meant that the entire breakfast period is during the day.

Kevin said...

... or perhaps, breakfast that is only served ON a day (i.e. Monday, Thursday)

Maybe they will never server breakfast not on a day?