Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I Quit!

I quit my job. My last day is next Friday, at which point I'll be heading away on our vacation and won't have any worries about work for the whole time! Don't worry, I do have a job lined up to begin after Labour Day. My leaving Soma is a bittersweet event: I do love (and will miss) the atmosphere and the people at Soma (and much of my job), but I'm also very excited about my new position and new company.

I don't usually talk about work on the blog to avoid any improprieties, but I think this is okay... I've already told all the people at work who really need to know.



Karen Lew said...

Congratulations. Enjoy your break and please post pictures from your vacation. Consider experimenting with some people pictures. It is possible to make good ones without posing them in front of something noteworthy. Better to catch them looking at the thing or each other, rather than away from the thing and at the camera.

Kern said...

Does propriety permit you to post what your new job is?

Kevin said...

Yeah, I don't see why not. I'm moving to a company called MessageLabs where I'll be doing performance testing.

As for the pictures, I'm not sure that I've got a good enough camera to do the candid photography that you do (so well), Karen. But maybe I'll try it out.