Thursday, March 15, 2007


Change can be scary! That's why I'll never frighten my readers with unannounced change. New links or changes in the format will always be talked about in a post when it happens.

Too many bloggers constantly make changes to their pages without taking into consideration the fragile minds of their readers (don't worry, I'm not talking about you, reader).

In that vein, I'd like to introduce a section you'll now see on the right hand side of my page: the "My Friends' Sites" list. The first on the list is Kristin, who astute readers will notice was linked to yesterday. Kristin, like me, is in a new and exciting place, and is blogging about it. If there is only one thing you would know about Kristin, know this: she is a mess with a breadboard! That's it! That's the one thing. Now that I've introduced Kristin, you will always find a link to her on the right hand side here (wave to the nice people, Kristin).

When I get more friends I'll add them to the list, but for now, Kristin, you're it.


kristin said...


i'm waving to myself, right?

Kevin said...

You're waving to ALL the readers.


Yes, just yourself.

Karen Lew said...

I will not hold myself to your lofty standard of responding to every post (which is appreciated BTW) but I am a reader. I get a link, right?

Kevin said...

Hold your horses! Not all readers get a link, I said when I get more friends (and if they have sites) they'll get links.

Besides, I have to save some content for the coming drought... you'll get added all in good time (indeed, posting here has upped you chances of being my friend :) )

Anonymous said...

Kevin, I think this is your chance to make up for missing NaBloPoMo. You could call it KeBloPoMo!

Kevin said...

Hi Gina!

"KeBloPoMo" just doesn't sound very flattering. Also, I'm also not really a big fan of naming things after myself, although I suppose the blog is sort of named after me.

I should also like to point out that I don't think I need to make up for missing NaBloPoMo! I posted an awful lot (yes alot of it was awful) back in the NaBloPoMo days, they were just all comments on other people's blogs.