Monday, March 12, 2007

The First Post

Well I've made it past the first post, but it remains to be seen whether I'll make it to the end of whatever race this is.

I must say that getting to the first post was not as easy as it should have been since after composing most of my first post, my browser crashed and I lost everything that I had written. I don't have time now to resynthesize it all now... so it will have to wait!

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to sign off with every post as I might do in an email. I guess I will for now and I'll figure out what I want later.



kristin said...

hey! def like me.

can't wait to hear about your exploits in toronto.

- Kristin in Berlin

Kevin said...


You found me! I'm not sure that I'm going to have time to post alot... with the turmoil in my life such that I now find myself living in Toronto of all places. But I'll do my best.

I suppose the trick is to have something interesting to say.